m.ash.to, #### stb #### & Institute for Posttayloristic Studies present:
       _    ____   ____ ___ ___  __        ____  __   ____   ___   ___   __
      / \  / ___| / ___|_ _|_ _| \ \      / /  \/  | |___ \ / _ \ / _ \ / /_
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    / ___ \ ___) | |___ | | | |    \ V  V / | |  | |  / __/| |_| | |_| | (_) |
   /_/   \_\____/ \____|___|___|    \_/\_/  |_|  |_| |_____|\___/ \___/ \___/
                 The FOOTBALL WORLD CUP '06 - LIVE in ASCII !!

  "The best, most ridiculous, most redundant graphical implementation of ASCII!"

ABOUT - a brief intro

  "Clearly this is what the internet was invented for!" (The Inquirer)

  The Football World Cup - LIVE ON TELNET!

  ASCII-WM - a media prank and (pirate) live broadcast of the FIFA Football
  World Cup 2006 from June 9th to July 9th in plain ASCII-text-characters 
  served via Telnet.
  Each of the 64 football matches was transmitted live as high-resolution 
  stream of 80x24 characters ASCII-Art including machine-translated subtitles 
  in a wonderful "denglisch" and the up-to-date score information.

  Closing the circle - LIVE ON TV!  
  In addition, the ASCIIfied live-remix and manipulation - of what once had
  been a normal Television broadcast - was finally fed back again to Television 
  on OKTO (Vienna Community Television) for the four final matches in July 06
  with a female text-to-speech voice reading the cross-translated subtitles.

  Now - the Archive ..

  Certainly the World Cup is over now and the live-stream is history. However,
  you may download a game from the archive and play it locally or watch a 
  random game with Telnet or netcast like it would be live (be sure to read 
  the HOW-TO, if you don't know how to use telnet ..) 
       $~: telnet ascii-wm.net 2006


  comparison and demonstration: 


  (img from juber.de)



  With (nearly no) announcement of ASCII-WM beta - a couple of hours before the
  opening match - it spread massively trough mailing lists, blogs, chats and 
  articels: 20 concurrent users during first match were followed by 200 during 
  the second match, going upward rapidly and overloading the server quite soon.
  Adding an additional mirrow was unable to fulfill the requests at its peak 
  serving more than 1000 cuncurrent telnet streams (leaving much more connection
  attempts aside) and 90.000+ web visits on a single day. People were watching 
  it in offices, at home and during lectures - be it for fun or sometimes takeing 
  it (in the lack of real online streams?) as a serious online broadcast service.
  Leaving a lot of potential users unsatisfied made this service somehow 
  exclusive - at least for a while - and led to a lot of screenshots and movies 
  popping up everywhere to be exchanges and some actually seemed to learn how to 
  program their first while loop :)
  After the first hype and with an additonal mirror in germany it somehow 
  stabilized at approx. 500 (weekend) to 700 concurrent users during match time.

  Final statistics after one month of world cup (ascii-wm.net - servers):
        15.000.000   (served) telnet connections
         3.200.000   web hits
           590.000   web visits
             ~ 3,0   TerraByte (text) traffic



  Archived Games - in gzipped Blinkenlights-format. 
  (install or see blinkperl for information on detailed requirements,
  then you can use asciiwm-zplay.pl to directly play the zipped file)